Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting the City of Pendleton Public Transit website. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information we gather when you visit our website, how that information is used as well as some of the steps we take to safeguard it.

Information Collection

Except for authorized law enforcement investigations and the security purposes mentioned elsewhere in this notice, no other attempts are made to identify individual users or their usage habits. Raw data logs are used for no other purposes and are scheduled for regular destruction.

Collection of Personally Identifiable Information "Personal information" is information about an individual that is readily identifiable to that specific individual. Personal information includes personal identifiers such as an individual's name, address, and phone number. A domain name or IP address is not considered personal information. City of Pendleton Public Transit strives to collect the minimum information necessary to comply with applicable law or provide the requested service. City of Pendleton Public Transit does not sell, rent or otherwise distribute visitor's information, including electronic mail addresses, to any outside company or organization, unless legally required to do so. This applies to information that may be collected on the City of Pendleton Public Transit site and on that of any third party with whom City of Pendleton Public Transit is contracted to provide Internet related services. If you choose to participate in a survey, send an email, or perform other transactions using this portal, the following additional information may be collected:

Your email address, and contents of emails sent through the portal - for purposes of providing you with a response. Information volunteered in response to a survey or through online forms -for purposes identified by the survey or online form. Information volunteered by participating in an online transaction with City of Pendleton Public Transit - for purposes of completing the transaction only.

We may use your email to respond appropriately. This may be to respond to you, to address issues you identify, to further improve our web site, or to forward the email to another agency for appropriate action. Survey information would be used for the purpose designated.

Notice To City of Pendleton

Communications made through City of Pendleton Public Transit's web site shall in no way be deemed to constitute legal or official notice to City of Pendleton Public Transit, its agencies, officers, employees, representatives, or agents with respect to any existing, pending, or future claim or cause of action against City of Pendleton Public Transit or any of its agencies, officers, employees, representatives, or agents where notice is required by federal, state, or local law. No communication to City of Pendleton Public Transit made through this web site shall be deemed to constitute legal or official notice for any purpose.

This site is operated and maintained by City of Pendleton Public Transit and information on City of Pendleton Public Transit's web site is provided as a public service and intended to afford general guidelines on matters of public interest. Accordingly, the information in this site is not intended to serve as legal, accounting or tax advice. Except for the third-party materials described below, the materials and information on this site were generated, compiled, or assembled at public expense and are freely available for non-commercial, non-profit making use, provided the user keeps intact all associated copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices. The materials and information on this site may not be "mirrored" on another server without the written permission of City of Pendleton Public Transit.

Attempts to upload information or change information on City of Pendleton Public Transit's web site are strictly prohibited unless specifically authorized in writing by City of Pendleton Public Transit.

Information Security

City of Pendleton Public Transit has implemented security measures and systems into the design, implementation and day-to-day operation of its portal, underlying servers and networks.

City of Pendleton Public Transit progressively implements new security measures as they become available on the market. Security measures are primarily to identify and/or block unauthorized intrusions, upload or change information or otherwise cause damage to the City of Pendleton Public Transit portal.

Electronic Commerce Users choosing to engage in electronic commerce with City of Pendleton Public Transit are ensured reasonable security measures. E-commerce transactions are performed only under tightly controlled circumstances, where there are appropriate technological and other safeguards in place to protect financial and other sensitive data. City of Pendleton Public Transit ecommerce systems supported on the City of Pendleton Public Transit's web site ensure financial data remains secure and with individuals and institutions involved in the transaction. Wherever possible, financial information is not collected by City of Pendleton Public Transit. Rather, designated banks and financial partners route the data, transfer the funds and confirm payment to both you and the City of Pendleton Public Transit.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are text files created by your browser and stored on your system to aid in customizing your browsing experience. This portal may use "cookies". Cookies allow information to change as you navigate through this portal. Two types of cookies may be used, "session-only" and "persistent". City of Pendleton Public Transit uses cookies in the following ways:

If you wish to access information, City of Pendleton Public Transit may use a session-only cookie to reserve storage on your computer in order to pass your inquiry information to a follow-on page for the purposes of retrieving requested information. The session-only cookies are erased either during web browser operation or after your web browser is shut down. If you wish to conduct on-line transactions City of Pendleton Public Transit may use a session-only cookie when processing your request. The type of information voluntarily submitted to fulfil your request varies by transaction and may include your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, social security or federal identification number, credit card number and expiration date, and/or driver license number.

City of Pendleton Public Transit cannot control the use of cookies by sites outside this portal. If you choose to link to a site through the portal, City of Pendleton Public Transit cannot control their use of cookies and this privacy policy will not apply.

Health Information

Agencies or Departments requesting or providing personally identifiable information of this portal are required to certify that their health care data handling and security procedures are compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA") and all other laws and regulations pertaining to the confidentiality of such data. If such data and security services are provided by a third-party provider, the agency or department shall be responsible for such third party's compliance with HIPAA and all other laws and regulations.

Contact Information

City of Pendleton Public Transit is made up of a number of departments. Each department is responsible for the applications it develops including applications that may gather volunteered personally identifying information. In these cases, contact information is provided at the point of information entry allowing the user to contact that department either through e-mail or the phone. Additionally, contact information for the portal is provided and can be used as an initial point of contact in lieu of individual department contacts.

City of Pendleton Public Transit's web sites and the selection of sites to which any of them may be linked are not intended to serve as a forum for free discussion. Instead, these web pages are posted to serve City of Pendleton Public Transit's need to make useful and practical information available to City of Pendleton residents, businesses, and visitors that facilitates provision of a City of Pendleton Public Transit service.

Links to other sites from City of Pendleton Public Transit's web site are provided at the discretion of City of Pendleton Public Transit and are provided as a convenience for users of this site. Sites that are linked from City of Pendleton Public Transit are reviewed periodically to confirm that the link still furthers City of Pendleton Public Transit purposes. City of Pendleton Public Transit reserves the right to refuse to post any web site link or to delete links already posted at any time without notice. In the event you discover problems with or have concerns regarding the format, accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of a linked external website, please contact the organization responsible for the linked external website.

City of Pendleton Public Transit does not control nor is it responsible for any linked external websites, pages or content.

Intellectual Property

The content of the and pages are copyrighted and contain some third-party images/graphics that are used with permission. Users are notified, therefore, that one should presume the need to obtain permission from the copyright holder before reproducing or otherwise using images/graphics from this website. City of Pendleton Public Transit does not give permission for images to be downloaded or saved for any reason.